How to Prevent Your Cockapoo From Getting Jealous of Your New Pet

  • By: Kirsty Lunn
  • Date: September 9, 2023
  • Time to read: 7 min.

Do you feel like your Cockapoo is jealous of your new pet? It can be easy to miss these signs since it’s not something we think about when deciding to get another pet or new companion.

In this post, we’ll explain exactly what the term “jealousy” means in the world of pet ownership and how your Cockapoo might be feeling that way in response to your new furry friend.

We’ll also discuss some tips that have helped other owners deal with similar situations. So, let’s delve into how to prevent your cockapoo from getting jealous of your new pet.

What does jealousy mean in the pet world?

Jealousy is one of the most commonly used terms in pet psychology, but what it means exactly is not agreed upon by everyone.

There is no dictionary or scientific definition, but most people use it to describe what happens when one pet feels like they’re being left out when attention is given to another pet.

This could be something like your partner giving your new puppy more attention than your Cockapoo, or your attention being on the new pet when your dog wants your attention more.

Now, we’re not saying that you’re neglecting your dog on purpose, but dogs can be very sensitive creatures and they might feel left out when attention is directed elsewhere.

Understanding Your Cockapoo’s Emotions

Cockapoos are known for their lively spirit and keen intelligence. They have a remarkable ability to perceive changes in their environment, making them quite sensitive to shifts in the dynamics of their household.

Their emotions can be as complex and profound as a masterpiece painting, with layers and hues waiting to be explored and understood.

Why does your Cockapoo seem jealous?

There are a few reasons your Cockapoo might be feeling jealous.

The first one we’ll discuss is that your dog might feel threatened by your new pet. If you got a dog, your Cockapoo might feel like they’re being replaced.

If you’re getting a cat, your dog might feel like they’re in danger. Dogs and cats are natural enemies, and if your dog is territorial they might become hostile towards a new cat.

If your Cockapoo feels threatened they’ll probably try to show their dominance. If they’re territorial, they’ll try to mark the area and keep the new pet away. If your dog feels threatened, they’ll probably be on edge a lot, be very protective of their food, and they might bark more than usual.

Recognising Signs of Jealousy

Just like humans, Cockapoos too can exhibit visible signs of jealousy which can sometimes be quite theatrical.

  • Increased Agitation: Have you noticed a sudden restlessness in your Cockapoo when you are spending time with the new pet? It could manifest in various ways such as incessant barking, whining, or even pacing around nervously. It’s their way of saying, “Hey, what about me?”
  • Physical Interruptions: Sometimes, they might physically place themselves between you and the new pet, kind of like throwing in a plot twist in a drama, just to grab your attention back to them.
  • Changed Toilet Habits: Interestingly, a change in their toilet habits can be a subtle sign of jealousy. It’s akin to them leaving little notes around, expressing their displeasure or anxiety.

The Psychology Behind the Jealousy

Understanding the psychology behind your Cockapoo’s jealousy is like unfolding a fascinating novel where you delve deeper into the psyche of the protagonist.

  • Fear of Losing Attention: Just like an older sibling might feel a tinge of worry with the arrival of a new baby, your Cockapoo might fear losing their prime position in your affections. It’s a fundamental fear of displacement that fuels their jealousy.
  • Territorial Instincts: Cockapoos are naturally territorial. Their space and their humans are marked territories in their minds. Bringing a new pet into their domain can be seen as an invasion, stirring up defensive reactions.
  • Change in Routine: Cockapoos thrive on routine. A sudden change, like the inclusion of a new family member, can disrupt their sense of security and routine, causing unrest and emotional upheaval.

Addressing and Managing Their Emotions

Understanding their emotions is the first step. The next vital step is to address and manage these emotions effectively.

  • Reassurance and Affection: Just like reassuring a child, reassure your Cockapoo with extra cuddles and words of affection. A little extra pampering can go a long way in alleviating their anxiety.
  • Engaging Them in Activities: Engage them in activities that involve both pets. Think of it as organising team-building exercises where both learn to work and play together, fostering camaraderie and friendship.
  • Patient Listening: Sometimes, all one needs is a patient listener. Be attentive to your Cockapoo’s verbal and non-verbal cues, it’s their way of communicating their feelings to you.

Preparing Your Cockapoo for a New Pet

To ensure a seamless integration of a new pet into your household, it is imperative to prepare your Cockapoo adequately.

Introduction to New Scents

Gradually introduce your Cockapoo to the new pet’s scent. This measure can potentially facilitate a smoother initial interaction between them.

Creating a Harmonious Home Environment

Establishing a peaceful home environment is vital for the well-being of both your Cockapoo and the new pet.

Allocating Separate Areas

Allocate separate areas for each pet to ensure they have their own space where they can relax and unwind without any disturbances.

Give Each Pet Equal Attention

To prevent any feelings of jealousy or neglect, it is crucial to distribute your attention equally between both pets.

Training and Socialisation

Effective training and socialisation practices are essential to foster a healthy relationship between the pets.

Obedience Training

Engage your Cockapoo in obedience training to facilitate a controlled and respectful interaction with the new pet.

Socialisation Initiatives

Initiate socialisation efforts to promote positive interactions between your Cockapoo and the new pet under supervised settings.

Positive Reinforcement

Employ positive reinforcement strategies to encourage your Cockapoo to interact amicably with the new pet.

Monitoring Interactions Between Pets

Maintaining a close watch on the interactions between your pets can prevent potential conflicts and foster a harmonious environment.

Supervised Initial Meetings

Ensure that the initial meetings between your pets are closely supervised to prevent any potential conflicts.

Conflict Resolution

Develop strategies to recognise and resolve conflicts swiftly to maintain a peaceful environment within your home.

Maintaining the Peace

After the initial integration phase, it is vital to employ strategies to maintain peace and harmony between your pets.

Scheduled Play Sessions

Organise regular play sessions to encourage bonding and foster friendship between your Cockapoo and the new pet.

Incorporating Family Activities

Incorporate both pets in family activities to build a sense of unity and foster a cooperative relationship between them.

Seeking Professional Advice

In instances where challenges persist, seeking professional advice can be a viable solution.

Consulting a Veterinarian or Behaviourist

If signs of continuous stress or aggression are evident, consulting a veterinarian or a pet behaviourist is recommended.

Utilising Professional Training Services

In case of persistent challenges, consider utilising professional training services to establish a harmonious relationship between your pets.

By adopting a meticulous approach, you can cultivate a peaceful and collaborative environment in your home, promoting a symbiotic relationship between your Cockapoo and your new pet.


Getting a second pet is great and can be an amazing experience for everyone in your home, including your Cockapoo.

However, you need to make sure to pay attention to your dog, and make sure they’re feeling comfortable and relaxed.

If you have any concerns about your dog feeling jealous, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional. This can help you find out more about what’s going on and what you can do to make sure everyone is comfortable and happy.

Additionally, don’t forget that you can always reach out to us at any time with questions, comments or concerns you might have. We love hearing from you and are always happy to help!

What are the initial steps I should take when introducing a new pet to my Cockapoo?

The initial steps include preparing your Cockapoo mentally for the arrival of a new pet by talking to them and gradually introducing the new pet’s scent to them. Ensure to supervise their first few interactions to prevent any potential conflicts and facilitate a smooth introduction process.

How can I create a peaceful environment at home for both my Cockapoo and the new pet?

Creating a peaceful environment involves allocating separate spaces for each pet, ensuring they receive equal attention and affection, and establishing clear boundaries. Regular training sessions and family activities that involve both pets can also foster harmony and mutual respect between them.

What are some effective training and socialisation strategies to facilitate a good relationship between my Cockapoo and the new pet?

Implementing obedience training sessions to teach your Cockapoo to follow commands and respect the new pet is vital. Additionally, scheduling regular socialisation initiatives that encourage positive interactions can foster a healthy relationship between them.

How can I effectively monitor the interactions between my Cockapoo and the new pet to prevent conflicts?

Monitoring the interactions involves supervising their initial meetings closely and developing strategies to recognise and resolve potential conflicts swiftly. Employing positive reinforcement strategies can also encourage amicable interactions between them.

When should I consider seeking professional advice to foster a harmonious relationship between my Cockapoo and the new pet?

Seeking professional advice is recommended when signs of continuous stress or aggression are evident, despite employing the aforementioned strategies. Consulting a vet or a pet behaviourist can provide expert guidance to navigate the challenges and facilitate a harmonious living environment.

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