How to Treat a Cockapoo’s Constipation

  • By: Kirsty Lunn
  • Date: August 12, 2022
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Cockapoos are a hybrid mix of two smaller dogs, cocker spaniels and poodles, with sensitive stomachs. This can make it more difficult for your pup to go when nature calls, but you can work through this with a little bit of effort. Cockapoos are prone to getting constipated, especially during the winter or if you feed them the same food all the time.

If your pup isn’t having regular bathroom trips and is showing other symptoms of struggling to go to the toilet, they may be dealing with constipation. Fortunately, there are some simple things you can do at home to help your puppy get things moving again. Read on for expert tips on how to treat a Cockapoo’s constipation safely and effectively.

What to Watch Out for When Treating a Cockapoo’s Constipation

While constipation is a common health issue in puppies, there are a few signs that could indicate something more serious. If you notice your Cockapoo is having trouble pooping, but it’s not a chronic issue, he may have an impacted colon. This can be caused by gas building up in the gastrointestinal tract, making it difficult for your pup to pass anything. If you notice your puppy is straining to go with little to show for it, this could be the cause.

If you see blood in the faeces or your dog is showing other symptoms, like lethargy and abdominal pain, it could be a sign of an intestinal blockage. This is a serious condition that needs immediate attention from a veterinarian.

Our cockapoo, Lottie, suffers with her anal glands and has to have them expressed at the vets every few weeks. It’s something that we have had to have done regularly for Lottie ever since she was a puppy, and this is a common problem in small dogs as they struggle to express their own anal glands when they go to the toilet more than larger dogs do.

We have noticed that when Lottie is due to have her anal glands expressed she can sometimes struggle to go to the toilet more than usual. This could also be a problem that is causing constipation in your dog. If you’re looking for more information regarding anal glands, then we have written a blog post that you can check out here – Cockapoo Anal Glands | Help & Where to Go (

If you’re not sure what’s going on with your pup’s bowels, it’s best to pay a vet’s visit to be safe. Better safe than sorry!

Adding More Fibre to the Diet

Cockapoo owners report that their pooches have sensitive digestive systems and sometimes have trouble with regular bowel movements. If your pup isn’t going to the toilet regularly and is showing signs of being backed up, increasing the amount of fibre in their diet can help.

One easy way to do this is to add psyllium fibre to your pup’s food. You can find this in a powder or capsule form at most grocery stores or health food stores. If your pooch is on a grain-free diet, this may be particularly helpful since many grain-free foods tend to be low in fibre.

Adding some canned pumpkin to your pup’s food can also be helpful for getting things moving. But keep in mind that adding more fibre to the diet can cause gas and diarrhoea in some dogs, so it’s best to go slow when upping the fibre amount and do this very gradually as any sudden changes to your dogs diet can unfortunately make things worse.

There are also a wide range of fibre powder supplements and digestive care products out there on the market available for your dog. Speak to your vet and see if they can recommend anything, or carry out your own research online to find one that you feel would be suitable for your dog.

Giving Your Cockapoo a Gentle Detox

If you’ve tried adding more fibre to your pup’s diet and they’re still struggling with constipation, a natural laxative can help get things moving. It’s important to remember that these products are meant to give your dog a gentle, temporary cleanse and not a long-term solution to chronic issues like constipation.

Speak to your vet to see if they can recommend any natural laxative products for your Cockapoo.

Helping Your Pooch Move with Medication

If increasing the amount of fibre in your pup’s diet and trying a gentle laxative aren’t working, a veterinary-grade laxative can help your Cockapoo go to the bathroom. People have been using mineral oil to treat constipation for years, and it’s a good option for pets, too.

Mineral oil coats your pup’s digestive tract, helping things move along more quickly. Be sure to follow your vets advice on which product to use and follow the dosage instructions on the label and give your pup a few days to see a difference. If your pup continues to be constipated after two to three days, it could be a sign of a bigger health issue like inflammatory bowel disease. If that’s the case, you may want to take your pooch to the vet for a diagnosis and treatment plan.

The Bottom Line

Cockapoos are adorable dogs that are known for being gentle and affectionate. They are also a hybrid breed that is the result of breeding a Poodle with a Cocker Spaniel. While the Cockapoo is a great dog, they can sometimes have issues with constipation. By adding more fibre and using a mild laxative, owners can treat Cockapoo constipation, but if this doesn’t work, then you will need to seek vet advice to ensure that your Cockapoo isn’t struggling for too long.

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