Cockapoo Temperament Information: A Comprehensive Guide

  • By: Kirsty Lunn
  • Date: August 6, 2023
  • Time to read: 11 min.

Cockapoos are a popular hybrid breed, renowned for their adorable looks and warm temperament. But what’s the full story about Cockapoo temperament and character traits? Keep reading and we’ll tell you everything you need to know!

Breed Background of Cockapoos

Cockapoos, also known as Cockerpoos, are hybrid dogs that have seen a surge in popularity in recent decades. This designer breed was initially bred in the United States during the 1950s, making it one of the earliest “designer dogs”. Their charming looks, combined with an appealing temperament inherited from both parent breeds, have made them a favourite choice for many families.

The breed background of Cockapoos is fascinating, as it comprises two distinctive pure breeds: the Cocker Spaniel and the Poodle. Understanding these parent breeds can give us a wealth of insight into Cockapoos’ behaviour, temperament, and needs.

The Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniels are split into two types: the English Cocker Spaniel and the American Cocker Spaniel. The English variant is larger and was originally bred as a bird hunting dog in the United Kingdom. The American variant, slightly smaller, was developed from its English cousin and has its roots in hunting as well.

Cocker Spaniels are known for their silky coats, floppy ears, and expressive eyes. They have a sturdy and compact body, which aids in agility, stamina, and speed – qualities crucial for a hunting dog.

When it comes to temperament, Cocker Spaniels are often described as cheerful, gentle, and affectionate. They thrive on human companionship and enjoy being part of a family. However, they are also known for their stubborn streak, which can sometimes make training challenging.

The Poodle

The Poodle comes in three size variations: standard, miniature, and toy. Regardless of size, all Poodles are part of the same breed. Originating from Germany but developed in France, the Poodle was originally a water retrieval dog. Over time, this breed gained popularity among French nobility and eventually all over the world.

Poodles are renowned for their intelligence, elegance, and versatility. They have a distinctive hypoallergenic curly coat that comes in a variety of colours. They are agile dogs, excellent swimmers, and they have an exceptional ability to learn and perform tasks, which has led to their use in circus performances and dog shows.

In terms of temperament, Poodles are usually friendly, sociable, and excellent with children and other pets. Their high intelligence and eagerness to please make them relatively easy to train.

By combining the genial nature of the Cocker Spaniel with the intelligence and elegance of the Poodle, the Cockapoo breed exhibits a delightful mix of the best traits of both parent breeds. They often possess the affectionate and loyal disposition of the Cocker Spaniel along with the intelligence and trainability of the Poodle, making them highly coveted as family pets.

General Cockapoo Temperament

Cockapoos typically exhibit a delightful blend of their parents’ best traits, resulting in an amicable and warm temperament that endears them to many. They’re often recognised as affectionate, intelligent, and energetic dogs that bring joy and companionship to their families.

Cockapoos are known for their friendly disposition. They’re warm-hearted dogs that often welcome both familiar faces and strangers with wagging tails and excited jumps. This makes them wonderful companions, always ready to express their love and loyalty.

Intelligence is another hallmark of the Cockapoo’s temperament. Thanks to their Poodle genes, Cockapoos tend to be smart and quick learners. They can pick up new commands and tricks rather quickly, and they thrive on mental stimulation, whether it’s a challenging toy or a training session.

In addition to being friendly and smart, Cockapoos are energetic and playful. They are always ready for a game of fetch or a fun romp in the garden. They need regular exercise to channel this energy and maintain a balanced temperament. Without it, they might get bored, and that could lead to unwanted behaviours like chewing or excessive barking.

However, while Cockapoos generally have a friendly, intelligent, and energetic temperament, it’s important to remember that every dog is an individual. Temperaments can vary based on a variety of factors, including genetics, socialisation, training, and the overall environment.

Cockapoos: An Ideal Family Pet?

When you think of an ideal family pet, what comes to mind? For many, it’s a pet that’s affectionate, good with children, sociable, trainable, and adaptable to a variety of living conditions. Luckily, Cockapoos tick all these boxes.

Due to their friendly and gentle nature, Cockapoos are often fantastic with children. They’re patient, loving, and usually enjoy the energetic playtime that kids can offer. It’s like they’re big-hearted teddy bears that love to play and cuddle!

Moreover, Cockapoos generally get along well with other pets. They’re sociable animals, and with proper socialisation, they can coexist happily with other dogs and even cats.

Cockapoos’ intelligence also makes them highly trainable. They’re eager to please, which, combined with their quick learning ability, makes them a joy to train. This trainability also makes it easier to control and manage their behaviour, especially in a family setting.

Additionally, Cockapoos are adaptable. Whether you live in a house with a sprawling backyard or a flat in the heart of the city, a Cockapoo can usually adapt. They’re not as demanding space-wise as some larger breeds, and as long as they get their daily dose of exercise, they’re typically happy.

While Cockapoos have many traits that make them ideal family pets, they’re not a perfect fit for everyone. They require regular grooming due to their curly coats, and they thrive on companionship, meaning they don’t like being left alone for long periods. Like any pet, they need a commitment to their care and well-being.

So, if you’re ready to provide the love, care, and attention a Cockapoo needs, you’ll find them to be a delightful addition to your family, bringing joy, fun, and lots of wagging tails into your life.

Cockapoo’s Personality Traits

Each Cockapoo will have its unique quirks and personality, much like humans. However, they do have a set of general traits that are commonly seen and admired in this breed. These include their friendly nature, intelligence, trainability, and their energetic and playful temperament.

Friendly Nature

Friendliness is a distinctive trait of Cockapoos. They are well-known for their warm disposition and their ability to get along with almost anyone, be it children, adults, other dogs, or even cats. They’re social creatures, enjoying the company of others and often fitting well into a family setting. Cockapoos are also known for being extremely affectionate towards their family, making them great companions.

A Cockapoo’s friendly nature also extends to how they interact with strangers. They are not typically aggressive or overly suspicious. Instead, they often greet new people with a wagging tail and an eager-to-please attitude, making them poor guard dogs but excellent buddies.

Intelligent and Trainable

Cockapoos are intelligent dogs, a trait they inherit from their Poodle parent. This intelligence makes them very trainable and quick to pick up new commands or tricks. They are often eager to please their owners, making them responsive during training sessions.

Their intelligence also means they require mental stimulation to prevent boredom. This can be achieved through puzzle toys, training sessions, or interactive games. Without mental engagement, an intelligent breed like the Cockapoo might find ways to entertain itself, which could result in destructive behaviours.

Remember, positive reinforcement techniques work best when training a Cockapoo. They respond well to rewards like treats, praise, and playtime. Harsh training methods, on the other hand, can cause fear and anxiety, leading to behavioural problems.

Energetic and Playful

Cockapoos are naturally energetic and playful dogs. They love to play fetch, go for walks, and engage in other activities that let them burn off their energy. This playful nature often extends into their adult years, meaning they maintain a puppy-like enthusiasm for a significant part of their lives.

Their energy levels mean they require regular physical exercise. A daily walk along with some playtime is usually enough for a Cockapoo. However, be careful not to over-exercise them, especially while they’re still puppies, as their bodies are still developing.

Remember, a tired Cockapoo is a happy Cockapoo. Regular exercise will not only keep them physically healthy but also help prevent behavioural issues related to pent-up energy, such as excessive barking or chewing.

In summary, a Cockapoo’s personality traits make them a joy to be around. Their friendly nature, combined with their intelligence, trainability, and playful energy, make them a wonderful addition to many families. But like any breed, they need a loving, caring home where their needs for companionship, mental stimulation, and physical activity are met.

Understanding Cockapoo Behaviour

Cockapoos are generally known for their cheerful and friendly disposition. They are an excellent blend of the gentle and playful Cocker Spaniel with the smart and sociable Poodle. Understanding their behaviour can provide insights into their needs and how best to interact with them.

Cockapoos are typically social creatures that love being around people. They thrive on attention and companionship, which makes them great family pets. However, their social nature also means they don’t like being left alone for long periods. Separation anxiety can be a concern with this breed, leading to behaviours like destructive chewing or excessive barking.

Cockapoos are also known for being intelligent and curious. They like to explore their environment and need mental stimulation to keep them happy. Interactive toys, obedience training, and puzzle games are excellent ways to keep their minds engaged.

Furthermore, like any dog, a Cockapoo’s behaviour can also be influenced by factors such as early socialisation, training, and their overall environment. A well-socialised Cockapoo who has been exposed to different people, sights, sounds, and experiences from a young age is more likely to grow up to be a well-rounded dog.

Behaviour With Children

Cockapoos are often a great match for families with children. They typically have a patient and gentle nature that meshes well with kids of all ages. They’re usually tolerant of the noise and commotion that often come with children, and they enjoy the playtime and attention that kids provide.

However, as with any dog breed, interactions between Cockapoos and children should always be supervised, especially with younger children. Teach children how to approach and touch dogs, and always ensure that both the child and the dog are comfortable with the interaction.

Behaviour With Other Pets

Cockapoos typically get along well with other pets. They’re sociable animals, and with proper socialisation, they can live harmoniously with other dogs and even cats. Early exposure to other animals can help them learn to interact appropriately.

However, it’s essential to remember that each Cockapoo is an individual, and their behaviour can vary. Some may be more outgoing, while others may be more reserved. Introductions to other pets should be done gradually and under controlled conditions to ensure positive interactions.

In conclusion, understanding Cockapoo behaviour is key to ensuring they’re a good fit for your family and lifestyle. By catering to their social, mental, and physical needs, you’ll likely end up with a well-adjusted, happy, and loving companion.

Socialisation and Training

Cockapoos, like all dogs, need both socialisation and training from a young age. Socialisation helps them develop the confidence to handle various situations, people, and animals, while training imparts them with the necessary skills to behave appropriately.

Importance of Socialisation

Socialisation is a vital aspect of a Cockapoo’s upbringing. This process exposes the puppy to different environments, people, animals, and experiences, which helps them become a well-adjusted adult dog.

A well-socialised Cockapoo is typically confident, calm, and less likely to show fear or aggression in new situations. They’re better equipped to handle the hustle and bustle of daily life, whether it’s a crowded park, a noisy street, or a home filled with lively kids and other pets.

Socialisation should start at a young age, ideally when the Cockapoo is a puppy. They should be exposed to various sights, sounds, smells, and experiences in a controlled and positive manner. This could include meeting different people, encountering other dogs, experiencing car rides, and hearing various sounds like thunder, sirens, and vacuum cleaners.

Remember, the goal of socialisation is not just exposure, but positive experiences. You want your Cockapoo to associate new experiences with positive emotions, so always ensure your pup feels safe and comfortable during socialisation sessions.

Training Your Cockapoo

Alongside socialisation, training is another crucial element in raising a Cockapoo. Given their intelligent nature, Cockapoos usually respond well to training and are capable of learning a variety of commands and tricks.

Start with basic obedience training, teaching your Cockapoo commands like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, ‘come’, and ‘leave it’. Consistency is key in training, as is positive reinforcement. Rewarding your Cockapoo for correct behaviour, whether it’s with treats, praise, or playtime, helps them understand what is expected of them.

Cockapoos also benefit from mental stimulation, so consider incorporating puzzle toys or games into their routine. Training sessions can also serve as a form of mental exercise, keeping their intelligent minds engaged.

Remember, training should be a positive experience for your Cockapoo. Avoid harsh training methods, which could lead to fear and anxiety. Instead, aim for short, fun, and rewarding training sessions that strengthen your bond with your Cockapoo.

In conclusion, socialisation and training are key to raising a well-behaved and happy Cockapoo. By meeting their social and mental needs, you can help ensure your Cockapoo grows into a confident, obedient, and well-adjusted dog.

Factors That Can Influence Cockapoo’s Temperament

While Cockapoos are generally known for their friendly and cheerful disposition, it’s important to remember that each dog is an individual and various factors can influence their temperament. Two of the most significant factors are genetics and environment.


Genetics play a crucial role in determining a Cockapoo’s temperament. The breed is a mix of a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle, and the traits a Cockapoo inherits from each parent can influence their personality.

Cocker Spaniels are known for their gentle, friendly, and affectionate nature, while Poodles are appreciated for their intelligence and their sociable, eager-to-please personality. A Cockapoo can inherit any combination of these traits, resulting in a diverse range of possible temperaments.

It’s also important to remember that a puppy’s temperament can be influenced by the temperament of their parents. A Cockapoo born to friendly and well-behaved parents is likely to display similar traits.

When choosing a Cockapoo puppy, it can be beneficial to meet the parents (or at least the mother) to get an insight into the possible temperament of the puppy. Reputable breeders should be willing to provide this opportunity.


Environment is another significant factor that can influence a Cockapoo’s temperament. This includes the dog’s living conditions, the way they are treated, their diet, their level of exercise, and the training and socialisation they receive.

For example, a Cockapoo that grows up in a loving, well-structured environment, where they receive adequate socialisation, exercise, and mental stimulation, is more likely to develop a balanced, friendly temperament.

On the other hand, a Cockapoo that lacks socialisation, lives in a chaotic environment, or is treated poorly, may develop behavioural issues or become anxious or aggressive.

It’s therefore crucial to provide a positive environment for your Cockapoo, one that caters to their physical, social, and mental needs. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, positive reinforcement training, and plenty of social interaction can help ensure your Cockapoo develops a positive temperament.

In conclusion, a Cockapoo’s temperament can be influenced by both genetics and environment. Understanding these factors can help potential owners make informed decisions and provide the best possible care for their Cockapoo, helping them to grow into well-adjusted, friendly companions.


Cockapoos are generally affable, intelligent, and playful dogs, making them a popular choice among pet lovers. Understanding their temperament helps ensure a happy relationship between you and your furry friend.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Cockapoos aggressive?

Generally, Cockapoos are not aggressive. They’re friendly and sociable, but individual behaviours can vary.

How do I socialise my Cockapoo?

Socialisation can begin at puppyhood. Introduce them to different people, pets, and environments in a controlled, positive way.

Are Cockapoos good with kids?

Yes, Cockapoos are typically good with children due to their gentle and patient nature.

Do Cockapoos bark a lot?

Cockapoos can bark if bored, anxious, or seeking attention. Regular exercise and mental stimulation can help mitigate excessive barking.

How much exercise does a Cockapoo need?

Cockapoos are energetic dogs. They require at least an hour of exercise daily, split between walks and playtime.

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